Why do I need an account?

Purchase of a membership or any conference services requires a website account. This provides you with a profile for future visits to the website. After creating your account, you may pay your membership dues, register for the conference, purchase exhibit space at the conference and/or make reservations for meals at the conference. Basically, any financial transaction on the website requires an account.

I'm not a member. Do I still need to create an account?

Non-members who wish to attend the conference or groups interested in exhibiting at the conference need to create an account in order to pay for these services.

How do I create an account?

You can create a new account here. You will need this information to log in on future visits and to pay your membership dues or register for any conference activities.

How do I pay my membership dues?

Log into your account via the link at the top of any page. The Member Services pages include links to activate or renew your membership. Add the appropriate membership category to your cart. You may continue to shop for conference registration, exhibition or meal options. Once you have added all the products you wish to purchase, you can visit your cart to begin the checkout procedure and complete your transaction.

Consider purchasing a lifetime membership for $2,000!

Where did my shopping cart go?

The shopping cart icon will only appear while you browse through pages where you can purchase membership or conference products. If you navigate away from these areas, the items you have chosen will remain in your cart as long as you remain logged into your account. The shopping cart icon will simply not show in other parts of the site. When you return to your member profile, the cart icon should return.

Where is my membership history?

Returning members should only see their most recent transaction in their profile. The transition to the new website only included the transfer of limited historical data. The GSA still has historical information on all members. Please contact Operations Director Dr. Jennifer L. Jenkins with any questions.

I made changes to my information, but it has not shown up on my profile or in the directory.

Changes to your personal or directory information may not show up on the site immediately. The changes should appear within an hour of your making the change.

How can I set my account to automatically renew in the future?

The change to the JHU Press interrupted this feature for this year only as we transition to the new dues structures that became effective 1 November 2019. You can contact the JHU Press Customer Service Department to add auto renewal for future years.